“#DoYouThinkIAmSexy?” is a 2022 Vavamax film directed by Dennis Marasigan, featuring a cast including Marco Gomez, Cloe Barreto, and Chloe Jenna. The story follows Charlize, a student who financially supports her studies by creating sexy content. Things take a dramatic turn when she discovers that her top subscriber, Trystan, is none other than her professor. As he exploits their secret for academic gain, Charlize plots a painful revenge to settle the score.
The film explores themes of exploitation, revenge, and the consequences of crossing ethical boundaries. The performances by Cloe Barreto, Marco Gomez, and Chloe Jenna contribute to the intensity of the storyline. Director Dennis Marasigan, along with writer Mariel Reyes, crafts a narrative that delves into the complexities of power dynamics and revenge. While the subject matter may be controversial, the film aims to captivate audiences with its provocative plot and exploration of moral ambiguity. Viewer discretion is advised due to explicit content and mature themes.