Vivamax Star Dancer 2023 all sex scenes

“Star Dancer” (2023), Vivamax film directed and written by Pam Miras, is a sizzling dance drama that unfolds in a tight 1 hour and 35 minutes. The film revolves around a heated dance floor showdown between Denise Esteban and Rose Van Ginkel, creating an atmosphere of intense competition and sensuality. As they vie for the coveted title of “Star Dancer,” the stakes are raised even higher as both women compete not only for the spotlight but also for the affections of the same man. With stellar performances by Denise Esteban, PJ Rosario, and Princess Zian, “Star Dancer” promises an enticing blend of passion, rivalry, and love set against the backdrop of mesmerizing dance sequences. Pam Miras skillfully directs a narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, making this film a must-watch for fans of dance and romantic drama.

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